I’m hosting a game night and not everyone attending is of African heritage and those that are, don’t know much about Africa. What should I do?
“How Nigerian Are You?” has time keeper and score keeper roles that are great learning experiences for people with little to no knowledge about Nigeria.
The game also has a diverse list of questions, a player might not know much about Nigerian history but might know Nigerian songs, foods, sports, the names of some states & capitals, etc. This increases a player’s odds of getting some questions right. Additionally, hints are provided. A player can also delegate one question in each round to a team member.
“You Know You Are African When…” is a very simple game that can be played by anyone, you don’t need to be knowledgeable about Africa. Africa is a continent with over 50 countries, each country has multiple tribes, it will take a lot of work to be a subject matter expert on the whole continent, we don’t expect anyone to be. It is a very light hearted game.
“Jollof Wars” is a straight forward game that can be played by anyone, you don’t need to be knowledgeable about West Africa. You will be able to actively describe at least 50% of the words in game with no knowledge of West Africa.